Restricted Funds

You can choose to restrict your gift to a need that is most important to you.

Camp Scholarship Fund

Our Camp Scholarship fund makes SSC Camp programs assessible to children in the Seacoast who otherwise may not be able to affor our programs. 

Coastal Education Fund

Provide financial aid for schools and groups that would otherwise be unable to afford a Center program, plus support for our school and group programs.

Wendy Tefft Social Service Fund

Provide Seacoast Science Center memberships to social service agencies in NH, giving the agencies' clients the ability to visit the Center free of charge.

Exhibit Fund

Provide financial support for the care and feeding of our ambassador animals, plus support for the maintenance of our exhibits.

Marine Mammal Rescue Fund

Provide financial support for the protection, response, rescue and awareness of marine mammals on the seacoast.

$5,000: Ocean Ambassador Society
$2,500: Ocean Ambassador Societ
$1,000: Ocean Ambassador Society
$500: Sea Steward Society
$300: Sea Steward Society
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