Event Registration

2020 SSC Virtual Trivia Night: April 22 @ 7:00pm
Event Registration is closed.
Thank you in advance for joining us for our first-ever virtual trivia challenge! We are going to have a blast!  Question difficulty is considered appropriate for High School students and older, but all are welcome.
IMPORTANT: please enter 1 for number of teams at the top of the form. You can sign up as an individual or as a family team.
First, you'll need to enter the primary contact's information, then you can enter a team name. Creativity is encouraged!  
The game will be played on the ZOOM platform. The login instructions and link will be sent to you via email the day before the event. The challenge begins promptly at 7pm, but you can sign on up to 10 minutes in advance prepare.
Our virtual Trivia Ocean Challenge event is free of charge, however, donations are greatly appreciated.